Saturday, February 11, 2012

I make this home-made self-created sandwhich, and the honey mustard sauce from Quizno's would be PERFECT for it. I've tried a variety of honey mustard sauces from the grocery, and all are much too mustardy and tart for the sandwhich. I live in Canada (easter Canada, to be specific) in what would be considered a small city. Are there any brands (a brand is better, if you can name that) that are very similar to that honey-mustard Quizno's taste?|||I don't know of any brand that is similar to that honey mustard from Quizno's, but why don't you try experimenting with what you have? If the sauce is too mustardy, add some honey to it! Or, contact Quizno's in Canada and ask them if you could get some take home samples of the sauce, or even if they would be willing to sell you a little. It doesn't hurt to ask- 1-877-481-7827 x245. There are lots of recipes for honey mustard sauces on the internet, even on Yahoo answers. You could try any of those and see if they might be reasonable substitutes.


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