Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I stopped going to Subway to protest their heterosexual commercials.|||Never went there to begin with. After that commercial, using MY first name came out, I was outraged. I did write them. Never heard anything. But, there's no reason for a commercial like that to be broadcast, or put out by any commercial organization.|||My boyfriend hates those commercials and is really offended by them. He has an 8 year old son and won't take him to Quiznos anymore. I'm not offended because it's pro-homosexual though. I'm against all advertisements that are sexually suggestive because I have a 9 year old daughter. She's even asked me to change the channel if something comes on that makes her uncomfortable. It's ridiculous.|||I went one day with a coupon and the lady gave me a hard time.
Would not accept it on what I wanted. done with that place.
Unaware of the gay commercial. bUt the front end custmer serrvice is crap. I never plan to return.|||it's just a commercial it isnt like they were gay bashing anyone. it was all humor, but just in bad taste. there is still no reason to protest quizons just because of that tho.|||no. and i dont think its really targeted at gay people. they were just trying to be funny.|||If you like the food go, if you don't like it don't go!! Who gives a &^%$ what the commercials say!|||What?

Give me a break dude.|||Since when do ovens have a sex?!?!?!|||they suck any way


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