Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I work for a Quizno's Sub (which a very hot oven) and the AC died about a month ago. The owners have yet to fix it and say that "they don't know what to tell us." Today, it is 95 degrees outside, and about 103 inside. They say we should just take turns standing in the freezer. We are dying. Does anyone know if this is legal? Thank you, thank you!|||Yes you are right! Something needs to be done. Contact corporate headquarters for help in this matter.|||I'm pretty sure it can't go higher than 2000 degrees.

No there's no set legal temp. If you think that's is bad, try working in a glass factory in the middle of summer like I did. The glass furnaces were at 3000 degrees and the cooling oven went from about 1000 in the start and gradually cooled until the glass could be handled without tools.

Think about that the next time you go to work. You didn't have to accept the job so if you don't like it get a new job.|||Try working in a foundry. You will WISH the temperature was ONLY 103. If you work near ovens, EXPECT to be hot. I deliver pizza part time. The OPEN ovens are set at oven 500 deg. We often turn the A/C off, open the doors, and turn on 2 36" fans. It actually works better than the A/C.

Another answer CLAIMS he can think of 15 health code violations. He failed to name ONE. I submit he named ALL the violations he knows.|||Call the health department and they will keep it all anonymous. It is a health code violation. I can think of 15 violations off of the top of my head.

If it is a srtip mall or something the Quiznos people could be having issues with the landlord about this. But a month is too long. Possibly the owners are not very savy.

Once the health dept. gets involved involved they could threaten to sue the pants off the landlord.|||That is DEF not legal. That's ridiculous. Going from extreme heat to the freezer will cause health problems among other things. Call your local OSHA office. I'm sure there's a sticker with that info on it somewhere in the store. Good luck! And tell the owners you've noticed a decrease in business because people are complaining that it's too hot in the place!|||There are two issues here. One is the health and safety of employees and the other involves the sanitary conditions for the food. If either or both are in specific violation, the health department should be notified. Of course, that might mean getting fired in retaliation, but then who wants to work for Quiznos forever?|||I'm not sure what state your in, but with the temps that high inside you run the risk of heat exhaustion. How much will his bill be for your medical expenses. Bet your booty it will alot more than the cost of an AC unit, drink plenty of fluids until then|||YEs there is a certain temp. for working, not sure what that temp is. Call the health dept, they will get the owners to address the problem.|||Doesn't sound legal or safe ... especially since ya'll deal with food too.|||that sucks.... quit


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