Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I've only been here in the U.S. for a few years, and I find it difficult to order from a restaurant because they usually ask a lot of questions. So I just sometimes order what's on the menu (or if there's a picture that I can see - much better!)

What do you you like to order at Quizno's Subs and how to order it? please list the exact steps (LoL), what you tell the person at the counter, and what usual questions do they ask etc...|||Here's the exact sequence of events from when I went yesterday:

Me, "This will be to go. Regular Mesquite Chicken"
Employee: "White or Wheat?"
Me "Wheat"
Employee "Do you want lettuce and onions?"
Me "Yes"
Employee on other side of oven "Do you want lettuce on this?"
Me "Yes"
Cashier "What did you order?"
Me "Regular Mesquite Chicken and I can I also get a cup of Broccoli Cheddar?"

She rang it up I paid and left with my lunch.

I did notice while I was there that above the "Order Here" window there was a sign -- that said "How to Order" and I think the only steps listed were:

1. For Here or To Go
2. Size & Type of Sandwich (Small, Regular, Large)
3. White or Wheat Bread

Good Luck!|||the signs in Quizno's are sooooo small, I can't even read it! I just say Medium Ham (or sometimes Turkey), with lettuce, tomato, red onion, and mayo"|||Italian Sub|||I actually hate their sandwiches so if I have to go with a friend I usually just get the chili bowl..|||I like the turkey guacamole sandwich. It's yummy!|||mmmmmmm toasty|||Honey Bourbon Chicken on Wheat Bread or
Honey Mustard Chicken with Bacon

  • lund boats
  • restaurants
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