Saturday, February 11, 2012

The ads show people eating $5 bills. This is not only dumb, but also offensive. Do I have the right to write a letter of complaint to the company? And who should I direct the letter to?|||I agree they are stupid, and offensive to people who are extremely poor and who couldn't afford to waste $5.

You are right.|||What do you find offensive about it? Are you a 5 dollar bill lol?|||How is this offensive to you?|||I think its gross.

Write your local congressman.

Goosey|||Although I find it difficult to see what is so offensive about it, they would most likely not change it for one complaint.
Commercials are expensive to make and to get aired on the television, so my advice to you is to either change the channel or look the other way. You don't have a right to complain because their really isn't anything offensive about it. You could complain if it made a friend commit suicide or something, but that is very unlikely. Don't waste your money on the stamp, because they most likely won't even look at it, and if they do they will just toss it with the rest of the junk mail. I think it's kind of dumb that you would get so worked up about a commercial that isn't offensive, influential, or anything else. Like the rest of the world, get over it.|||ok i dont see how its have the right to write a letter to whomever you want..especially if you feel offended by something|||wats so offensive?|||yes its your dea|||The only person who should be offended is the person who ate it and they didnt so y are you soo mad? I think they look stupid eating money and if they want to do it on national television that is fine. It is them not us. We got the point tho right? Right! and that is why they wont even bother if you write them a letter. They are making billions!|||the only people that is offensive to is subway, because that's who they're making fun of. are you that subway jared guy? because otherwise i dont get it.|||I think he finds it so offensive because he found out that I wipe my *** with an average of 3 $5 bills a day. This has been going on for around 16 years. Do the math people, there's a chance those five dollar bills have experienced night time at 3 P.M.|||How is that offensive?


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