Saturday, March 3, 2012

I prefer Subway because even though it's more expensive, it has better quality.|||i like subway a lot more because quizno's ingrediants are nasty. their bread is like stale|||Subway. Not a toasty sandwich fan.|||Quizno's... it seems more like a real sub|||Ok heres the deal...

Quizno's just puts more meet on the sandwich.


I know someone who went to Quizno's, lied about his sandwhich, and got 5 FREE ones out of it.

(don't try it...its a sin against God)

Well anyway, I'm a eating fan and if you want cheap, there are always Quizno's coupons in the paper every Sunday.

There the same but Quizno's will put meet on to your request!|||quiznos because they go thru a toaster machine.|||subway it tastes better|||subway! i just love all of it.|||Subway, for some reason, ever since I was really little, I always liked it more!!|||subway why ive never ate at quizos|||i like quizno's alot better. I've had bad experiences with Subway.|||Quizno's. Subway tastes bland to me and over processed.|||Quizno's has theeeee BEST "Prime Rib Peppercorn" Sub EVER!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!|||I'm so with you on that, I love Subway! it just seems fresher when not heated.|||subway the little monkey things that was on the quiznos comercial creept me out|||Subway|||Quizno's-- their bread tastes fresher...|||Neither, I will make my own damn sandwich!|||Subway. I don't like a lot of meat on my sandwich. I'm not really a meat person.|||subways--better sandwich--lower calories--better bread.|||i dont really see a major difference. Like asking yourself the difference between McDonalds and Burger King|||I agree Subway ...& there isn't any Quizno's near me|||Subway has a better all around selection for my tastes.|||Quizno's because their sandwiches are toasted, have lots of meat, and it offers more choices. Subway is like eating a salad on bread.|||I prefer Quizno's
I just like the sandwiches better there than subway...鈾?/div>
  • 5 years ago
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|||subway.... just always have... never been a fan of quiznos... sandwhiches are too hard...|||Subway because it's good and closer to home and work.|||i have never been to quiznos, so at this time i would have to say subway.|||Never got a bad Subway...twice to Quizno's...both bad
And as far as the #1 heart stopper goes, Burger King is better.||| doesnt matter watever it is, it is a sandwich!!!!|||Subway


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