Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have an interview for Quizno's. I never really bought food from that store. and I don't wanna say I need money.|||As an employer, I do ask this question. The best answers generally include what you could contribute and what your strengths are. For example, you could say that you are outgoing and enjoy working with others and think that Quizno's would be a great starting point for you.|||Quizno's is a great company to work for. There, now you can say that you read online that Quizno's is a great company to work for.|||beacause you like their toasted sub...|||don't be afraid of telling them you need money. That is why everyone works... But if you are looking to get into a management position, you may want to do some research so you can say things like "I think you have an excellent benefit plan" or "your company seems like it's growing and that is something I want to be involved with"
But if it's just behind the counter making sandwiches, just say "I'm looking to make some money for school, extra income... " Anyone that asks that question is looking to see how dedicated you are to the job. If you are going to be reliable or not. So, don't just say you want money tell them what it is for...|||The most important thing they want to hear is not what THEY can do for you, but what YOU can do for them. Tell them what some of your skills are... say, being quick and getting along well with others and you'd like the opportunity to use those skills and you feel that Quizno's would be a good place to do that. Say that you like working with a "team", although you work well unsupervised, and quizno's offers you that opportunity to do both, as a team member making sandwiches, or as an individual taking orders. You could say you love working with people and you know that your skill with customers would be really useful to them.|||this is your opportunity to demonstrate that you really want to work for them, but do not over due it.|||I would recommend buying some food and seeing if you like it. If you are planning on working where customer service is a big part of the job you should like the product you are selling. I'm sure that Starbucks asks potential barista's what they love about coffee. Imagine hating coffee and working there how could you provide recommendations or determine when the product was not perfect? In order to really be a valuable employee you should have some stake in the product.

Why do you want to work here is a big question that really needs an answer that seperates you from everyone else. A good answer shows that you did research and understand what's important to the company and how you find that important also. The Quizno's site says the following

"Quiznos delivers uncompromising quality for today's busy consumers who are looking for a tasty, fresher alternative to traditional fast food restaurants. Using premium quality ingredients, Quiznos offers better-tasting food through creative, chef-inspired recipes to give you an experience that’s truly a “cut above” all the others.

We Dare To Be Different
There’s a free-spirited independence about everything Quiznos does. From our quirky advertising to the bold, cutting edge recipes our chefs create, we zig, when others zag. And we appreciate your taste and desire for the distinctive food that is as unique as you".

Your answer must include something from that in order to be quality. You might say "I really love the food that you make because it's different than all the other restaraunts. The food is fresh and made to order and is the place that I choose when I'm hungry. The product is better because of the process that goes into making it and I would like to be part of the team that makes the best sandwich out there." I highly recommend that you put that in your own words and eat some of their food. If you really like the food you'll be much more real in the interview and much happier while at work if you like what you are selling. Good luck with your interview.


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